The Shy Little Kitten
The Shy Little Kitten
by Cathleen Schurr
Ilustrations by Gustaf Tenggren
© 1946 Randon House Inc
ISBN# 0375928995 (Library Binding)
Hardcover (32 illustrated pages)
Read Aloud: Ages 4-8 years
Recommended by: 1000 Good Books Primary Picture Books
Positive Elements
My children mentionned how everyone brought food to the new mom, and how important that is for new moms.
They liked how everyone joined together for the party and shared all their food.
The shy kitten is never rude in her shyness.
Negative Elements
Mom loses her littlest kitten and doesn’t seem to notice.
The kitten goes with two “strangers.”
The children mentionned how the illustrations didn’t always match the words (The chicken “laid a white egg in the hay” for the new kittens but the illustration has her bringing a basket full of eggs)
Our Take
This was a nice little book to read, but we don’t think we would own it.
Once is enough.
Learning Opportunities
This book might make a nice addition to a unit on shyness. (Borrow it from the library though!)
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